1. The school will not hold Balmoral Water Sports Centre, its officers, directors and employees responsible for any injury, death, accident, illness, delay, personal loss, personal property damage or other loss sustained by me and hereby release Balmoral Water Sports Centre, its officers, directors and employees due to any cause whatsoever, including without limitation, negligence on the part of Balmoral Water Sports Centre or its employees. I further agree to indemnify Balmoral Water Sports Centre and its employees for any and all legal fees (on a solicitor and his own client basis) or costs which may be incurred in defending any lawsuit or claim I may bring against them
2. Please be aware that every Adult / child who is participating in our water sport programs needs to be able to swim.
3. I agree to all attendances at the program noted above. In the case of an emergency, I authorise the program staff, where is it impracticable to communicate with Newington, to arrange for all children to receive such medical or surgical treatment as may be deemed necessary. I also undertake to pay or reimburse costs which may be incurred for medical attention, ambu-lance transport and drugs while my child/ward is enrolled with the program.
4. I understand that although Balmoral Water Sports Center and its service providers attempt to mini-mise any risk of personal injury within practical bounda-ries accidents do happen and all physical activities carry the risk of personal injury.
5. I acknowledge that there is an inherent risk of personal injury in physical activities that will be undertaken as part of this program.
6 . Students at Balmoral are regularly photographed by Staff while participating in sailing activities. These photos may be used on our website and to help them improve their sailing, if you would prefer not to have your child’s photo taken please email us.
The Guardian has read and understood the above conditions and agrees to be bound thereby.